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Non-medical use of prescription Factsheet


This resource is by Cracks in the Ice and Positive Choices.

This factsheet provides information for the general community and young people about non-medical use of prescription  

Year: 7 - 12

Summary: This factsheet provides information on non-medical use of pharmaceutical

Topics covered include:

  • What are pharmaceutical stimulants?
  • What is non-medical use?
  • What are the possible side effects of stimulants?
  • Reducing the risk of harm from non-medical use
  • Signs of a overdose

There’s also support services listed at the bottom of the factsheet that you can contact. For more support service options visit our Get Help page.

Developers: This resource was developed by Cracks in the Ice and Positive Choices at the Matilda Centre for Research In Mental Health and Substance Use. Please visit the Positive Choices website for a student version of the factsheet.

Year: 2022

Costs: Free

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Friday, 10 January 2025