Ice Breaker
Ice use can make you feel agitated or distressed
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Stories from people with lived experience

This page features resources that provide personal stories from people who have used alcohol and other drugs, including crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’).

Hearing firsthand stories from people who have experienced the effects of drugs can be helpful if you or someone you love is experiencing problems with crystal methamphetamine use.


    Rethink Addiction

    Summary: This resource shares real stories of (addiction) by people with lived experience of substance use, family members, and people who have been involved in providing clinical care or peer support. These stories highlight the impact of substance dependence in peoples’ lives, as well as the importance of seeking help.

    Check out stories about from:

    Developers: Rethink Addiction, a coalition of organisations advocating for a change to Australia’s attitude and response to addiction

    Year: 2021

    Costs: Free

    Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 12 April 2022