Ice Breaker
Low doses of ice will not impair driving skills
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What type of help is available?

Do I need help?

Click here to get feedback about your use of ice.

A number of services throughout Australia can provide information, support and treatment options for people who are experiencing problems with ice and other drugs. Although it can be difficult to seek help, in most cases the sooner you reach out for support, the better.

Your local doctor can be a good starting point – they can discuss your concerns with you and provide referrals to other services that you might need.

If you need emergency support, call Lifeline on 131 114 (a free and confidential 24-hour crisis helpline) or dial ‘000' for the police or an ambulance.

For a list of confidential telephone and online support services available for people experiencing problems with ice, please click here.

Page last reviewed: Friday, 31 January 2020