Ice Breaker
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Crystal Clear: An internet-based brief early intervention

This resource was developed by The University of Newcastle, in partnership with NSW Health, Matilda Centre and Curtin University.

This resource is an early intervention tool for psychostimulant use.

Screenshot of Crystal Clear intervention components

Summary: Crystal Clear (, formerly Breaking the Ice) is an internet-based brief early intervention for use, including ice (crystal methamphetamine). The intervention draws on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Motivation Enhancement Training, and aims to:

  • Target light-moderate psychostimulant use (methamphetamines, including ice, and ecstasy), and particularly those who are at high risk of progressing to or problematic use, or who are already experiencing problems, but are not seeking help, and;
  • Focus particularly on young adults aged 16-25 years (but not to the exclusion of older adults).

Developers: Crystal Clear was originally developed in collaboration with researchers from the Australian National University, the University of New South Wales and Curtin University. The Matilda Centre (formally The NHMRC Centre for Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use), in partnership with NSW Health and Curtin University, re-developed the program in 2016 based on feedback obtained by young people at risk of, or already using, ice.

Costs: Free

Year: 2013. Last updated 2021.

Evidence baseThe original Breaking the Ice online intervention has been evaluated in one peer-reviewed randomised controlled trial. See references below:

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 20 September 2022