Community Toolkit

  • The resources provided by Cracks in the Ice below have been developed to connect communities with practical, actionable evidence-based research and tools. These tools can assist councils, parents and citizen groups, community organisations or concerned community members by providing fact sheets, brochures, booklets and a PowerPoint presentation for use at events. There's also guidance for journalists and others in the media on how to communicate safely and responsibly about ice.

  • Ice Breaker

    Ice is more potent than speed
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Our evidence-based, easy to use, toolkit contains valuable information to educate people on the effects of ice and how to help someone affected by ice. Research shows that most family members feel powerless because of the lack of information about ice and do not know how to practically tackle the issue. Our Community Toolkit has a wide range of resources and tools available from information to educate yourself about ice to printable resources when holding a forum. You can click, download and print resources, depending on your needs. You can also order our booklets and brochures free of charge and with free delivery to anywhere in Australia.

Want to access the toolkit from your mobile device but don’t want to use data? For offline information at your fingertips, download the app – Google Play App and App Store. Interested in preventing drug use and its related harms in young people, please visit our ‘Families and Friends’ help section.
Man looking out window


The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is implementing the national roll-out of the Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) program to support communities to work together to prevent and minimise the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. Find out more about the LDAT program.