Summary: The Family and Friends Support Program (FFSP) was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health in 2016 as an enhancement to the Cracks in the Ice Online Toolkit. The FFSP is an online family/friend resilience and wellbeing program to support affected friends and family members of people who use
It aims to provide affected family and friends with a tailored, evidence-informed website that addresses their needs in supporting a loved one using crystal methamphetamine ‘ice’. It also aims to provide health workers with access to training, information, and a referral pathway which assists affected families and friends they encounter as part of their usual practice.
The FFSP is comprised of two key components:
(1) an online support program - the first, and only, evidence informed program worldwide to offer 24/7 support to family members and friends affected by a loved one’s use of ice;
(2) a training program for health workers – an evidence-based training and accreditation program for health workers (the 5-Step Method) to improve their capacity to support family members and friends of people with a loved one using ice;
This program has been developed and is currently undergoing a formal evaluation.
Developers: Kay-Lambkin F,K; Chapman, C; Teesson, M; Ross, K; Geddes, J; Hunt, S; Velleman, R; Velleman, G.

Year: 2016
Cost: Free. However, for Health Professionals, there are costs involved in the 5-step training. Details about the training can be found on the Health Professionals portal in FFSP (under the icon 5-step).
Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review. Refer to FFSP program website for more information and references.
Family and Friends Support Program (FFSP) for Alcohol and Other Drugs - FFSP is also available in an expanded version to assist families, friends and health professionals supporting someone who is using alcohol and/or other drugs. The program includes information on how families and friends can best help their loved ones and protect them from adverse impacts of drinking alcohol or using drugs.