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Meth Check: Psychostimulant Early Intervention Flowchart

This resource is by Insight.

This resource is a clinical tool that assists health workers in the treatment of people who use methamphetamine and other stimulants.

meth check

Summary:  The Meth Check: Psychostimulant Early Intervention Flowchart is a clinical tool designed to assist health professionals assess and treat clients who use or other

The flowchart guides health professionals in their assessment and response to clinical presentations including psychostimulant intoxication, behavioural disturbance, and

There are three versions of the flowchart available:

  1. Combined pathways. This version incorporates all decision making pathways, including recommended responses to both the presence and absence of acute intoxication.
  2. Acute intoxication pathway . This version incorporates only the acute intoxication pathway from the combined pathways flowchart and assists health professionals responding to clients who are acutely intoxicated.
  3. Non-acute intoxication pathway. This version incorporates only the non-acute intoxication pathway from the combined pathways flowchart and assists health professionals responding to clients who are not acutely intoxicated.

An introductory video is provided with the combined pathways version and explains how to use all flowchart pathways in practice. The developers strongly recommend health professionals watch this before using the tool.

The developers also recommend health professionals complete a short e-learning program about methamphetamine before using any of the Meth Check tools.

Note: This resource was developed as part of Queensland Health’s response to crystal methamphetamine ('ice') and contains some information that is specific to the Queensland context, including Guidelines for Emergency Medicine and Acute Behavioural Disturbance Management in Mental Health Settings. If you require this information, please refer to your State or Territory guidelines.

Developers: This resource was developed by Insight as part of Queensland Health’s response to ‘ice’ crystal methamphetamine.

Costs: Free

Year: 2016. Last updated 2021.

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 28 June 2022