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Meth Check: Ultra Brief Intervention Tool

This resource is by Insight.

This resource is a brief clinical intervention tool that guides health workers working with people who use methamphetamine.

Summary: The Meth Check: Ultra Brief Intervention Tool is a clinical tool designed to guide health professionals through a 20-30 minute ultra-brief intervention with someone who uses Specifically, the tool is a 2-sided A3 printout which guides the health professional and their client through a brief conversation about methamphetamine and the client's experience using the drug. 

It is appropriate for use by generalist health and community service workers or by specialist mental health and AOD treatment workers who are conducting initial appointments, drug diversion sessions and/or opportunistic engagement with clients and patients. Note that the tool is not intended to replace a full clinical assessment.

The developers recommend health professionals complete a short e-learning program about methamphetamine before using any of the Meth Check tools.

Developers: This resource was developed by Insight as part of Queensland Health’s response to crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’).

Year: 2018. Last updated 2022.

Costs: Free to download. A hard copy tear-off pad containing 25 sheets is available free of charge for Queensland-based workers. A postage fee applies if you wish to order additional copies.

Note: You will be required to provide your email address when ordering or downloading the tools so that the developers can invite you to participate in an evaluation of the tool at a later date. Participation in this evaluation process is voluntary. 

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 28 June 2022