Ice Breaker
Methamphetamines (including ice and speed) are the most popular illicit drugs in Australia
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Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: A practitioners' guide to ice

This resource is by 360Edge.

This resource provides a research summary on methamphetamine use in Australia and assists health workers to respond to its’ use.

picture of iceberg

Summary:  "Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg" synthesises the latest research on to help practitioners understand crystal methamphetamine ('ice') use in Australia, how it effects the brain and behaviour, and how they can respond in a range of primary and tertiary health contexts to reduce harms and improve outcomes 

The guide covers the following topics: 

  • Beyond the tip of the iceberg: about ice 
  • Brain drain: cognitive effects of meth 
  • There's meth in the madness: meth and mental health 
  • Out of harm's way: methamphetamine-related risks and harms 
  • Breaking the ice: what works in treatment 
  • Cracks in the ice: working with families 

Developers: Dr Nicole Lee, Linda Jenner & Paula Ross, with Jenni Harman.

Costs: $34.95 (free postage in Australia)

Year: 2017

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review. Refer to guide for full reference list.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 5 July 2022