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Methamphetamine Treatment Guidelines

This resource is by Turning Point.

This guide helps health workers in the clinical management of methamphetamine use disorder and related presentations.

Summary: This resource provides practical, practice-informed and evidence-based strategies to assist clinicians working in AOD contexts to better understand and manage cognitive impairment. Developed by clinicians, academics, and researchers, they are informed by the latest scientific literature and clinical expertise. This resource includes common clinical aetiologies, presentations of impairment, real world examples and case discussions. Discussion regarding  complex populations, screening and history taking, management strategies and rehabilitation is also provided.

Developers:  These guidelines were developed by Turning Point and funded by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services. Citation: Grigg J., Manning V., Arunogiri S., Volpe I., Frei M., Phan V., Rubenis A., Dias S., Petrie M., Sharkey M. & Lubman D. I. (2018). Methamphetamine Treatment Guidelines: Practice Guidelines for Health Professionals (Second Edition). Richmond, Victoria: Turning Point.

Year: 2018. Last updated 2019.

Costs: Free

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the guidelines for a full reference list.

Page last reviewed: Thursday, 16 February 2023