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Get Ready AOD education program

Get Ready Program Logo

This resource is by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Victoria

Get Ready is a drug and alcohol education program designed to be administered by teachers to students in Years 7 to 9.

Get Ready logo made up as a street sign on an exposed brick wall

Image sourced from: Positive Choices

School years: 7-9

Summary: Get Ready is a drug and alcohol education program designed to be administered by teachers and includes curriculum-based materials for Year 7–9 students. There are 10 x 60 minute lessons available for each of these school years.

Teacher and Student handbooks are available, as well as "trigger" videos that provide a starting point for discussion (available for Years 8 and 9 only).

Two days of professional training is recommended. The effectiveness of implementing the program without specialist training is not yet known.

Developers: The program was developed collaboratively by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Victoria, Edith Cowan University and University of Melbourne Youth Research Centre.

Costs: Free

Evidence base: The Get Ready program has been trialled in 21 schools, involving 1750 students. The program received the Excellence in Prevention and Community Education Award, one of nine National Drug and Alcohol Excellence awards in 2012. Click here for a full list of research studies supporting the effectiveness of the Get Ready program.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 20 September 2022