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Asking for Help Factsheet

This resource is by Cracks in the Ice

This factsheet provides information for young people about how to ask for help if they think they or someone they know has a problem with crystal methamphetamine (‘ice’) use.

School years: 7 - 12

Summary: This factsheet provides 5 simple steps for asking for help if you or someone you know is having difficulties with crystal (‘ice’) use. There’s also support services listed at the bottom of the factsheet that you can contact. For more support service options visit our Get Help page

Developers: This resource was developed by Cracks in the Ice. The information included in this resource has been adapted from Asking for help - it's a process from Talking Drugs Body Mind Future by School Drug Education Road Aware SDERA (

Year: 2022

Costs: Free

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review.

Get the factsheet: Asking for help
Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 20 September 2022