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Withdrawal Management Quick Reference Guide (Amphetamines)

This resource is by Insight.

This resource provides health workers guidance for working with people experiencing amphetamine withdrawal (including methamphetamine).

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Summary: The Withdrawal Management Quick Reference Guide provides guidance for health professionals working with clients experiencing from amphetamines (including crystal methamphetamine 'ice'). The guide provides information and tools for the following phases of clinical practice: screening, assessment, monitoring, treatment, and follow up.

The guide also provides contact information for an alcohol and other drug clinical advisory service and relapse prevention support services available in Queensland. If you are a health professional working in a different State or Territory, please refer to our When and where do I get help? page for services and hotlines that are available nationwide.

Developers: This resource was developed by Insight.

Year: 2018. Last updated 2022.

Costs: Free

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the resource for full reference list.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 28 June 2022