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Ice only affects your brain and mind while you are intoxicated
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Combining Stimulants with Prescribed Medications Fact Sheets for Health Professionals

This resource is by the Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drugs (QNADA).

This resource provides guidance for health professionals talking to clients about potential implications of combining stimulants (like methamphetamine) with prescribed medications.

Summary: These factsheets are designed to help health professionals talk to clients about some of the potential implications of combining stimulants (like crystal methamphetamine 'ice') with prescribed medications.

They provide general advice regarding some of the potential interactions between stimulants and common prescribed medications such as ADHD medication, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics and SSRIs.

The factsheets also provide general information about what mental health medications are designed to do and some of their side effects.

Developers: These resources were developed by the Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (QNADA) and funded by a North Brisbane Partners in Recovery (PiR) Innovation Fund Grant.

Year: 2018

Costs: Free

Evidence baseThese resources were informed by relevant experts including a psychopharmacologist, an addiction medicine specialist, a psychologist and a social worker. They have also undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 28 June 2022