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LGBTQ+ inclusive and affirming practice guidelines

This resource was produced by AIDS Council of New South Wales (ACON) in partnership with NADA, Pivot Point, MHCC, and with funding from Central and Eastern Sydney PHN.

This resource provides guidance to AOD services seeking to be accessible, culturally informed, and inclusive for LGBTIQ people.

Summary: This resource is designed to help AOD (alcohol and other drug) services become more accessible, culturally informed, and inclusive for LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer) people. It includes information about inclusive practice principles and how they relate to LGBTIQ people as well as an inclusive practice checklist.

The inclusive practice checklist covers the following:

  • Access, Intake & Assessment Procedures
  • An LGBTI Affirmative Therapeutic Relationship
  • Environment Considerations & Cultural Safety
  • Disclosure & Consent For Sharing Of Information
  • Data Collection
  • Organisational Capacity
  • Consumer/Community Co-Design & Participation
  • Visibility
  • Intersectionality

Developers: This resource was developed by ACON in partnership with The Network of Alcohol and other Drugs Agencies (NADA), Pivot Point, Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) and with funding from Central and Eastern Sydney Primary Health Network (CESPHN)

Year: 2022

Costs: Free

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the resource for a full list of references.

Page last reviewed: Thursday, 2 March 2023