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AOD Health Literacy "Coming to Terms" Toolkit

This resource is by Insight.

This resource provides health workers information about health literacy.

Summary: Health literacy refers to how people understand information about health and healthcare and use this to make decisions about their care. The “Coming to Terms” toolkit explores the use of clinical language by health professionals in the AOD (alcohol and other drug) sector and how interpretation and comprehension can impact upon healthcare outcomes for our clients.

“Coming to Terms” contains training videos as well as written guides on how to communicate clinical terms and how to understand drug slang used by clients.

Developers: This resource was developed by Insight and was funded by the Mental Health Alcohol and Drug Statewide Clinical Network. This was developed with involvement from statewide public health alcohol and drug services, key external partners and clients from Alcohol and Drug services in Queensland.

Year: 2018

Costs: Free

Evidence base: This resource has undergone expert review.

Page last reviewed: Tuesday, 5 July 2022