Ice Breaker
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Guidelines for General Practitioners

This resource is by the Australian General Practice Network.

This resource provides guidelines to GPs for effectively and safely managing individuals who are experiencing problems related to the use of psychostimulants.

Summary: Designed for general practitioners throughout Australia, this resource provides guidelines for effectively and safely managing individuals who are experiencing problems related to the use of including crystal methamphetamine ('ice').

The guidelines are designed to help general practitioners to:

  • Identify patients who may be using psychostimulants, including ice
  • Engaging individuals in treatment
  • Manage a variety of adverse effects of psychostimulant use, including acute toxicity

Developers: The original guidelines were prepared by Linda Jenner, Amanda Baker, Ian Whyte and Vaughan Carr on behalf of the Guidelines Development Working Party (2004), and were updated in 2007 by Lesley Dawes and Meriel Schultz, Australian General Practice Network on behalf of the Guidelines Review Working Group.

Year: 2007*

Costs: Free

Evidence baseThis resource has undergone expert review. Refer to the guidelines for full reference list.

*Please note that while this resource was developed more than 10 years ago, it is the most recent evidence-based resource of its kind. If you have seen a newer resource on this topic, please let us know at

Page last reviewed: Wednesday, 24 August 2022