Ice Breaker
Ice will cause psychosis in all people
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Methamphetamines and cardiac damage: skating on thin ICE

This webinar provided attendees with information about:
  1. Effects of methamphetamine on the cardiovascular system
  2. Are the cardiac complications of methamphetamines reversible?
  3. Who is at-risk and what tests should be considered?
  4. What health workers should look for and do?

This information will be relevant to treating clinicians, particularly in the paramedic, emergency, cardiac and forensic fields.

This webinar took place on Monday 29th March and was presented by Dr Elizabeth Paratz, a cardiologist at St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne and PhD Fellow at Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.

Download the PDF handout for this webinar and Watch the recording below:


Page last reviewed: Monday, 29 March 2021