Get the facts about ice - Select AllCrystal methamphetamine factsWhat is crystal methamphetamine? Why do people use crystal methamphetamine? Stigma and crystal methamphetamine use How many people use crystal methamphetamine? What are the laws about crystal methamphetamine? Trauma and Crystal Methamphetamine Use Staying safe - Select AllSupport services What are the effects of ice - Select AllHow does crystal methamphetamine work? Mental health effects Using crystal methamphetamine with other drugs Effects of crystal methamphetamine in different contexts Resources for families and friends - Select AllConcerned about someone using ice? Starting the Conversation When someone you care about won't seek support How to protect yourself and others What type of help is available? Family and Friends Support Program BreakThrough Ice Education for Families Handbook Family Drug Support Online Coping with stress and uncertainty during COVID-19 Recovery Position Resources for health professionals - Select AllTraining and Online ResourcesMethamphetamine associated psychosis: Information for health workers Methamphetamine (‘ice’): A clinical guide for Primary Care Health Professionals Crystal methamphetamine education for Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs) and related workplaces Training for managing cooccurring AOD and mental health conditions Methamphetamine E-Learning for frontline workers Understanding Methamphetamine E-Learning ASSIST on Ice Screening Tool Amphetamine Cessation Symptom Assessment Tool Meth Check: Psychostimulant Early Intervention Flowchart Meth Check: Ultra Brief Intervention Tool Meth Check: 'Ways to Stay Safe' Harm Reduction Booklet Methamphetamine Harm Reduction Prompt Cards Safer Injecting Course Chemsex Training Working with Children & Young People Affected by Parental Methamphetamine Use Stories from people with lived experience Quick tips for managing and working with clientsManaging a client who is angry or aggressive Managing a client with symptoms of psychosis Quick Guide for Assessment and Management of Psychostimulant Use A stepped care approach to treatment Withdrawal Management Quick Reference Guide (Amphetamines) Combining Stimulants with Prescribed Medications Factsheets Working with Young People Using Crystal Methamphetamine Language Matters Guidelines for Health WorkersMethamphetamine Treatment Guidelines Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: A Practitioners' Guide to Ice Alcohol and Other Drug Withdrawal Guidelines Acute presentations related to methamphetamine use: clinical guideline for adults and adolescents Guidelines for Managing Methamphetamine Dependence in Pregnancy Guidelines for managing co-occurring AOD and mental health conditions Guidelines for Frontline Workers: Amphetamine Assessment and Management Guidelines for General Practitioners Guidelines for Emergency Departments Guidelines for Police Services Responding to challenging situations Inclusive PracticeWorking with women engaged in alcohol and other drug treatment Intervention Options for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander clients Guidelines for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Non-Aboriginal Settings AOD LGBTIQ Inclusive Guidelines LGBTIQ+ inclusive practice online training Working with Diversity in Alcohol & Other Drug Settings AOD Health Literacy Toolkit The Power of Words Language Guide: Trans and Gender Diverse Inclusion Advice for Health Workers Worker Wellbeing Community Toolkit - Select AllProblem gambling and stimulant use Methamphetamines and cardiac damage: skating on thin ICE Where can I find trusted evidence-based information about the drug ice? How to support families and friends with a loved one using methamphetamine Effects of crystal methamphetamine on the brain and body, and implications for responding Tackling stigma in a 2018 environment How to run a forum 10-step guide The Story Behind the Stereotype Promotion kit Webinars Media Guidelines for Communicating About Crystal Methamphetamine Psychosis and other mental health effects of crystal methamphetamine Supporting frontline workers with key information and resources about crystal methamphetamine Effects of crystal methamphetamine use during pregnancy on both the mother and baby Current and promising treatment options for crystal methamphetamine dependence Best practice media reporting of crystal methamphetamine Trauma and Substance Use Resources for schools - Select AllTools for TeachersSchool-based drug prevention: What works? A guide for teachers Teacher information: What you need to know about drugs and alcohol Methamphetamine ('Ice') Factsheet for Students OurFutures: An Online Program for Teachers & Students Get Ready AOD education program Botvin LifeSkills Training program Pure Rush: An interactive drug education game Tools for ParentsStarting the conversation about crystal methamphetamine with a young person What can parents do? Reducing the risk of crystal methamphetamine use in the family Tools for StudentsNon-Medical Use of Pharmaceutical Stimulants Factsheet Asking For Help Factsheet I think my parent is using crystal methamphetamine ('ice') Being assertive: Tips for dealing with situations where you may be pressured to use drugs Staying safe: Helping someone who has taken crystal methamphetamine or another illegal drug Pure Rush: An interactive drug education game Student information: What you need to know about drugs and alcohol Methamphetamine ('Ice') Factsheet Amphetamines Staying Safe Factsheet People who use ice - Select AllPeople who use iceMethamphetamine Self-Help Strategies Understanding co-occuring substance use and mental health conditions What is harm reduction? The TARA Clinic: Free Resource Hub S-Check App: An app to track your methamphetamine use Stories from people with lived experience