they mention that their ice
use is out of control
they are using more and more ice to try and
get the same effect
they worry about their
ice use
they may say they wish to stop using
ice, or at least to cut down or
control their use
their use of ice may also affect their
relationships with friends, family members and
colleagues. They find it difficult to stop using
they may feel ashamed to talk about their ice
use and isolate themselves from their
much of their time is taken up by activities
centered around ice e.g. like getting ice, using
ice, recovering from it's effects
missing an opportunity to use
ice makes them feel anxious or worried
other social, professional or recreational
activities are reduced or completely given up to
make more time for the drugs
They are unable to carry out their usual
routine tasks such as work, school or
family time
It’s important to remember that people may not exhibit all the signs listed above and may still be developing dependence. For more information, you can complete the ‘Do I need help?’ quiz available here